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Washington, DC is internationally known as a powerhouse of political influence.  There is no question that it lives in people’s imaginations as the place from which world affairs ebb and flow.

Here you’ll find all the mechanisms of legislative, judicial and executive authority which turn the wheels of our nation and its destiny.  From Capitol Hill to the Pentagon, it’s inside the Beltway that history is made and leaders arise to point the way forward.

Whether your students are studying history, political science or government and how it molds their lives, there is no city on earth with more to teach them than Washington, DC.  Student tours and travel to Washington, DC are a journey to the center of what makes the USA great.

Meeting giants

Junior Tours has been creating exceptional student tours since 1967, when it was founded by former teacher, Marty Abrams.

Marty wanted to create a professional resource for teachers interested in showing their students the world outside the classroom, as it related to their studies.  He knew that student travel enlivened education, by giving it real-world texture and context.

You can tell your students about Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal in the classroom.  But the classroom doesn’t offer them the experience of walking through this 4-term President’s life in the Oval Office.

Teachers can relate to students the great deeds of Martin Luther King Jr. and how he changed the face of the USA.  But they can’t stand in the shadow of his monument or see the links in the chain of history which led to the Civil Rights Movement.

Related sites like the home of Frederick Douglass, abolitionist and activist, or the monument to President Lincoln – who finally ended the Institution of slavery – richly introduce students to giants they’ve only read about in books.

This is the beauty of Washington, DC.  Our national story is laid bare in this place of monuments, museums and living history, allowing students to directly experience it in all its triumph and tragedy.

Discovering government

An education in civics is a precious gift to your students, preparing them for their lives as citizens engaged with their government structures.

Visit the Capitol and discover how the United States was founded and how Congress, where the laws of the USA are made by our elected representatives, came to be established.  Here, you can even watch Congress in session.

Students with an interest in political life will be inspired by a day on Capitol Hill, taking in Congress chambers (even if Congress isn’t sitting at the time of your visit), the Exhibition Hall and a guided tour of the Capitol.

Washington, DC Capitol Hill

Go with Junior

Take your students to Washington, DC, with student tours and travel and open the doors to learning.  Junior’s knowledge of vendors and itineraries makes us the right choice to provide your students with a personalized experience that enhances your teaching.

We’ve just scraped the surface of Washington’s endless educational interest.  Ready to go?  Contact us for a free sample itinerary and quote.