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Broadway Theater

Student Class Trips to New York City: Coming Soon to a Broadway Theater Near You!

By Travel

New York, New York!  Concrete jungle where dreams come true.  For some, those dreams come true in the glare of the footlights.

Now that summer is fading, the fall season of Broadway plays is about to take hold, with all the excitement the stage is famous for.  Student class trips to New York City are a stellar opportunity for students with an interest in the arts to encounter a whole new world – the world of Broadway Theater!

An adventure waiting to happen.

Student class trips to New York offer so much to students who love adventure and learning in the field.  There’s the thrill of one of the most active, energetic cities on the planet, coupled with the excitement of encountering the many worlds encompassed by the Big Apple.

Spend the day exploring the history of New York in its diverse neighborhoods, established by the people who came to Ellis Island, full of hope, then head to Broadway to experience exceptional live theater and the gifted people who make it happen.

Every year, Broadway is graced with talent from the past and present, with old favorites joined by new entries, pumping new blood into this proving ground of stagecraft.  From Spiderman:  Turn off the Dark, to the Lion King, musicals abound, marrying music to the legendary acting talents of some of the finest actors to ever tread the boards.

Non-stop excitement.

Imagine taking your students to Wall Street, the financial powerhouse known for intrigue, sleight of hand and the pulsating, frenetic stock market.  The ghost of infamous Wall Street anti-hero Gordon Gekko joins that of Abbie Hoffman, the 1960s activist who once showered the Stock Exchange floor with dollar bills.

An evening performance of Les Miserables couldn’t be more thematically perfect to share with students the lessons of excess and misery so often linked in one of the world’s most formidable financial markets.

Something for everyone.

Whether you’re a drama teacher shepherding your students through classics like Arsenic and Old Lace, or a teacher of literature, taking them to a performance of the spring season’s latest arrival, Roald Dahl’s Mathilda, Broadway offers something for everyone, linking educator goals to the magic of live theater.

The role of theater in education goes beyond stagecraft, touching on topics as diverse as culture, society, history and politics.  Broadway provides educators with numerous opportunities to teach outside the box and give students fresh perspective on numerous subjects in the yearly curriculum.

Ready to go?

If you’re ready to take your students on the adventure of a lifetime, New York City awaits.  Broadway and beyond, this city has it all.  Its rich history and culture embrace everything from the arts as expressed in theater, to great museums like MOMA (the Museum of Modern Art).

Because you’re an educator, you relish the chance to educate outside the box, employing tools like the work of great playwrights to share another way of looking at the world.  Contact us to find out more.

happy students on a field trip in the woods

The Benefits of Learning Through Field Trips this School Year

By Travel

One of the most glorious realities of being young is the curiosity that comes with it.  Young people love to explore beyond their immediate environments, reaching out to discover the world. That’s why the benefits of learning through field trips this school year are numerous.  Field trips answer youthful curiosity with opportunities to encounter the world beyond the classroom.

Taking your students out into the world is a highly visual experience.  In the runup to a field trip, no matter where you’re taking your kids, preparation ensures your students can get the most from the excursion and reap the maximum benefit possible.

Structure vs. adventure.

The promise of learning outside the classroom sets student minds on fire.  Not only do they get out of their familiar, highly-structured classroom setting.  There’s the opportunity to connect with classmates and enjoy some social time along the way.  The anticipation alone primes them for the experience.

Instead of being bound by the constraints of the curriculum and the discipline of the classroom, students on field trips are free to go where their curiosity takes them.  This helps them develop specific areas of interest and confidence in their choices.  Autonomy in learning is an important benefit of field trips.

But it’s the promise of an adventure that makes field trips the highlight of any school year.  When you take your kids outside the classroom, you’re sending the message that you’re ready to share the world of learning with them in a new way.  You have sufficient confidence in them to set them loose on the subject, so they can explore aspects of it which genuinely interest them.

Fresh input.

Standing at the front of a classroom and imparting knowledge is hard work and it’s often difficult to maintain engagement, when you’re constrained by curricular imperatives.

Taking your students on a field trip provides them with fresh intellectual and sensory input, enlivening the subject you’re teaching with 3D experiences which bring your teaching to vibrant life.  In an unstructured environment, leadership is still required, but there’s also the opportunity for exploration and tactile, interactive engagement to underline what you’ve been trying to share with them.

Managing the downsides.

The modern world offers many distractions.  Students taken into a public setting may be tempted to get distracted by their mobile devices, the noise and activity in the setting they’re in and the general high spirits youth is prone to.

But as an educator, you can manage the downsides, by being clear with your students about what’s expected.  You may even ask them to agree to relinquish cell phones prior to entering the site you’re visiting.

By far the best move teachers can make is to adequately prepare students for the experience they’re about to have.

Get there with Junior.

Junior Tours has been in the business of creating exceptional learning tours and field trips for students since 1967.  For 50 years, we’ve been tailoring student outings to educator goals. Contact us for a free sample itinerary.

High school students in New York City

2017 Top Educational Trips For High School Students

By Travel

Every year has its favored destinations for educational high school student trips.  Depending on the subject matter your trip is geared to and what you’re hoping to accomplish educationally speaking, the world is full of learning-rich locations which can serve every imaginable educational goal.

This year, we’ve collected the 2017 top educational trips for high school students, which are emerging as the year’s hottest and most promising destinations.

New York City.

How can the city that never sleeps ever get old?  The Big Apple is a banquet of learning for curious high school students, its busy streets encompassing subjects as diverse as fashion, history, business, political science and the arts.

The endless fascination of this iconic metropolis renders endless opportunities to enhance student learning with direct experiences of the subject matter.

From the story of the huddled masses who came to Ellis Island, to the excitement of the city’s thriving fashion industry, educators will encounter a ripe field for taking students into the heart of the action, rendering enhanced learning outcomes.


One of America’s great cities, Chicago has been an industrial century since its inception.  Today, it’s home to high finance on a grand scale, offering your students a window into the world of the number crunchers.

The architectural riches of Chicago and its famed Magnificent Mile are an unforgettable experience to fire youthful imaginations with the endless potential of human creativity, ingenuity and world class engineering expertise.

Chicago is also a city of museums, offering your students learning opportunities as diverse as the Museum of Science and Industry and the Art Institute of Chicago.  Educators will be spoiled for choice in the city once called “the pulse of America”, encountering its robust, beating heart.

London, England.

One of the most vibrant cities of the Old World, London is home to an abundance of historical sites and ever-thriving financial and fashion sectors.  Famed for the beauty of its ancient monuments, students will thrill to world-renowned landmarks like London Bridge, the Tower of London and the reconstruction of the Globe Theater, famed for hosting the works of William Shakespeare while the great playwright still lived.

The grandeur of the Parliament and its iconic clock tower (affectionately known as “Big Ben”), are where the original House of Cards was set.  Political intrigue centuries old permeates the ancient walls here.

Nearby Westminster Abbey, the site of coronations and royal weddings for hundreds of years is a journey into the Gothic heart of Olde England.

These are Junior Tours’ 2017 top educational trips for high school students.  With a diversity of attractions for educators and students alike, these stand as our favorites, because of the learning diversity and excitement they offer.

Get there with Junior Tours.

Junior Tours has been opening the doors to a world of learning beyond the classroom for 50 years.  Since 1967, we’ve been taking students to fascinating places, creating rich learning experiences that stay with them for life.

If you’re ready to go, contact us for a free sample itinerary.

hands holding letters spelling tips

Top Tips For Getting Your Educational Tours Approved

By Travel

Even if you’re the new teacher on the block, you can get your educational tours approved with a little preparation before going into the administrative lion’s den.  With the right preparation, even those who are less than generous about educational tours will find it difficult to say “no” to your plan.

These are Junior Tours’ top tips for getting your educational tours approved.

Clarity and focus.

As an educator, it’s your job to present your educational tour concept to administrative decision-makers clearly, with laser focus as to the goals you have in mind.  There’s no administrator living who’s going to respond to vagueness where learning objectives are concerned.

Remember, they’re the guardians of the curriculum, so you need to overcome their objections.  Think of your presentation as a sales pitch.

Your “pitch” should include information about how your educational tour is going to satisfy goals for learning outcomes.  It should also be precise in its explanation about how it satisfies local standards for subject matter.

Itinerary and budget per student.

Your itinerary, precisely delineated and presented with an eye to convincing administrators of your tour’s value should be presented with administrative objectives in mind.  Every bullet point should knock off an item on your list of educator goals and administration’s list of required learning.

Presenting a budget for students which includes all necessary elements (food, accommodations, museum visits, transportation and contingencies) demonstrates your due diligence and there’s nothing administrators love more than that.

Don’t forget to include items like insurance and any information you have about security provided by your tour operator.  Explain your provider’s payment plan in detail and how you intend to raise funds to support the educational tour.

Don’t forget to include information about your tour operator and their track record.  This is important information that can compel a decision in your favor.

Presentation package.

Your presentation should be founded on a written document outlining all the points discussed above, with a detailed description of how the tour will satisfy both your goals as an educator and administration’s goals for area standards, as well as budget concerns.

Ensure that you print copies of your presentation for every administrator who will be present, plus a copy for yourself to work from during your presentation.  Be prepared for questions.  Anticipating the types of questions administrators are likely to ask will make you effective and confident.

Tell them you’re working with Junior Tours.

Junior Tours has been taking students on rich learning adventures for 50 years.  Since 1967, we’ve been opening the door to enhanced educational experiences, working with educators in all 50 states.  Founded by a teacher, we’re a personalized, boutique student travel resource that supports you with the best in educational tours.

Of our top tips for getting your educational tour approved, telling administration that you’re working with Junior Tours is the secret weapon every educator needs to gain that approval.  We’ve been taking students places for a half century.

Ready to go?  Contact us for a free sample itinerary.

students on a field trip looking satisfied

How Field Trips Boost Students’ Lifelong Success

By Travel

The impact of field trips on student learning and later life success can’t be underestimated.  Unfortunately, economic pressures and novelties like standardized testing have reduced the number of field trips included in yearly curriculums, all over the US.

Increasingly, school boards choose to cut budgets for field trips, believing them to be somehow extraneous.  But recent research shows the pivotal role they play in the educational development of young people.

Superior outcomes.

The US Travel Association recently conducted a detailed study of student outcomes, linked to regular field trips.  They discovered that taking the classroom out into the wider world was responsible for vastly superior educational outcomes for students.

59% of students enjoyed better grades.  Most compellingly, the rate of high school graduation was seen to rise significantly when students had the advantage of field trips – to an incredible 95%.

Students who were taken on field trips were seen to be more likely to attend college, at a rate of 63%.  Taking kids on field trips also results in their enjoying more robust financial health, later in life.

Overall, 89% of students who participated in the US Travel Association study reported that field trips provoked a greater curiosity about the world around them and served to keep them engaged in a classroom setting and in their lives outside school.

The 4 “Rs”.

The 3 “Rs” are said to be the pillars of the educational system.  While it’s true that arithmetic, reading and writing are crucial to future success in life, the 4th “R” (roaming) plays a crucial role in the developing minds of children.

Taking children outside the classroom and other familiar environments develops soft life skills like confidence.  Young people who are given the opportunity to explore new places, new faces and even diverse cultures, are gifted with educational input that’s priceless in their formation.

Vistas are broadened when learning is taken outside the classroom.  Early experiences of travel form young minds, preparing them for a life in which they’ll be thrown into unfamiliar situations and meet people of all cultural backgrounds.

Roaming gives young people the foundation to become well-rounded, successful adults.

Tangible learning.

The impact of shepherding children on a remote learning experience provides a perspective on classroom subject matter that’s 3D and immediate.  It’s tangible and that brings learning to life.  Words on a page can’t possibly hope to compare with the Real McCoy.

The difference between a history textbook and placing students in the middle of places where history transpired is exponential, in terms of value.  While the words in textbooks are instructive, they’re not immediate.  They can’t impart the same value as walking in the footsteps of those who made history.

Field Trips with Junior Tours.

Founded by a teacher, Junior Tours has been bringing learning to life for students since 1967.  For 50 years, we’ve been taking students places that instruct and inspire.

Open the door to quality learning, with Junior Tours.  Discover how field trips boost students’ lifelong success.  Contact us for a free sample itinerary.

Salem city sign at the entrance of the city

Consider Adding Salem to Your Next Trip to Boston

By Travel

A trip to Boston without a visit to Salem wouldn’t all that it could be.  With Salem only 25 brief miles away, it’s an easy day trip which yields incredible learning opportunities.

Educators needn’t be told about the rich history of this Massachusetts town.  Best known as the site of the infamous witch trials of 1692 and the setting for Arthur Miller’s famous play, the Crucible, Salem was also home to the privateers, who sailed the first ship from American shores to China, returning with the spice pepper.  Salem was, in fact, one of Puritan America’s most crucial seaports.

The power of fear.

image from Salem Witch MuseumOne of the most important lessons educators can share with students when visiting Salem is the power that fear has over the actions of a group.  The hostility towards suspected witches modelled in Salem grew from a small knot of communal ignorance, becoming an inferno of public trials and hangings.

Educators are given a unique opportunity to not only share this fascinating part of American history with their students, but to do it through the lens of social commentary.  As Miller’s Crucible details, the power of fear to ignite groups of people to act against their neighbors can never be underestimated.  The Salem witch trials remain one of the most poignant examples of this unfortunate effect.

Rich educational experiences await teachers who bring their students to this living historical monument and many of those experiences have a resonance which informs the current age.

House of the Seven Gables.

Salem’s place in the annals of American literature certainly doesn’t end with the Crucible.  The subject of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s famous work, the House of the Seven Gables, still stands today, ready for students to explore its famed precincts.

The house is now part of what’s been designated a National Historic Landmark District.  Visitors may also view Hawthorne’s birthplace.  While he lived in this home until he was 4, it was moved from its original location (several blocks away) to form an easily accessible complex of Hawthorne history.

An open-air museum.

Salem, with its proximity to Boston, presents an enticing prospect for educators keen to share American history with their students.  In combination with a visit to the extraordinary historical sites on offer in Boston, Salem, only 25 miles away, can enrich and illuminate the experience of visiting Boston.

On every corner in both these centers of American history and culture are examples of early American architecture and sites of historical interest that render them both open-air museums.  While continuing to thrive as modern cities, both Boston and Salem offer educators and their students the chance to experience the American story first hand.

Junior Tours has been creating exceptional student travel experiences since 1967.  For 50 years, we’ve worked with teachers and students from all 50 states, bringing them logistical excellence and keen destination knowledge.

Salem is just a stone’s throw from Boston, so combining the two destinations for a truly memorable student tour makes sense.  Contact Junior to make it happen.

subway train in NYC

Safety on Tour – The Subway Ride

By Travel

When you’re touring with students in a major city, public transit should be part of the experience.  While most educators don’t relish the thought of getting on a bus with their students, a subway is an even more daunting prospect.

You’re in the Big Apple with a large group of students.  Spirits are high.  Cats are being herded.  Anything’s possible.  As a teacher responsible for these kids while they’re away from home, you have support, but it doesn’t seem enough as the turnstile nears.

But safety on tour is a mindful process and one that can be managed with the right preparation.  Let’s talk about safety on tour – the subway ride and how you can pull it off without a hitch.

It’s not that scary.

Subways, wherever they are, are conveyances which move perfectly normal, hardworking people from point “A” to point “B”, every day of the week.  While we’ve all heard horror stories about the subway in New York and other major cities, it’s helpful to remember that these stories relate isolated incidents.

Taking the subway with a touring student group doesn’t have to be scary.  Preparing your students before you even leave on tour, though, is an imperative.  Set clear protocols and ensure that everyone understands them.  Divide your group into smaller sub-groups and assign a chaperone to each one.  This makes the effort much more manageable.

When entering a subway car, enter as a group. This won’t be possible at peak times of the day (morning/evening rush hours, trains headed to major events), so that’s not when you’re going to take the subway.

You’re going to ensure you’re taking the subway at times when the stations aren’t overly crowded.  This allows the group to file onto cars and file off in a more orderly fashion.  Instruct your groups to remain together, as much as possible and to always be aware of where their chaperones are.   Ensure they move away from the car and toward the nearest wall to meet with others in their groups.

Subway made easy.

Because we grew up in New York, the folks at Junior Tours know how to wrangle a group on the subway.  It’s second nature to us.  No matter where we are, we’re veterans of the subway wars who will guide you, ensuring that everyone who descends into the warrens of the subway system comes out the other side.

We make sure that everyone’s where they’re supposed to be, when they’re supposed to be there, because we’re not only subway vets, we’re student tour vets, too.

For 50 years, Junior Tours has been creating outstanding student educational experiences – including the occasional foray onto the subway.

Ready to climb aboard?  Then Junior’s ready to click through the turnstiles with you.  Since 1967, we’re been taking teachers and students places.  We’re old hands at herding cats.

In 2017, we’re celebrating our 50th Anniversary as a boutique student tour provider that delivers customized itineraries.  Contact us for a quotation and sample itinerary.  With Junior, the subway is a cinch.

image showing a hand putting a little suitcase in a piggy bank

Choosing the Best Tour for the Dollar (Value)

By Travel

As an educator, you want your young charges to have the best possible experience when you take them on tour.  You’re looking for educational experiences that change student perspective and animate your goals as an educator.

But value is always a consideration.  Choosing the best tour for the dollar is about weighing your objectives and the desires of your group against value.  That can mean some tweaks that find the balance between monetary value and educational value, because both are important.

You have a budget.  It’s tight.  But there are ways and means of stretching your tour dollar, while still getting the high quality you’re looking for.

High season.  High prices.

You’ve chosen a destination, with an itinerary in mind.  You know what you want your students to take away from the tour.  But have you considered the cost-savings inherent in taking your kids on tour when everyone else isn’t doing the same thing?

Anyone who travels knows that things cost more at certain times of the year.  Determining the high season for your destination is one of the most efficient ways you can cut costs.

For example, taking your class on tour to New Orleans, LA will cost more during festival season.  During the month of May, NOLA becomes much more expensive because of events like the Jazz Festival, which is the centerpiece of the city’s season of musical events.

Waiting until the major events have passed to book your tour provides you with a wider selection at a more attractive price.  This applies to both transportation and lodging and you’ll save an enormous amount of money.

Select an experienced tour operator.

Taking your kids on an adventure becomes so much easier when you book with an experienced tour operator.  Your tour operator is a valuable partner, smoothing the way to a seamlessly realized itinerary that covers all the important points you want to share with students.

What’s more attraction, museum and concert tickets become much more affordable when they’re obtained in blocks with a tour operator like Junior Tours.

Because we’ve been around since 1967, we’ve developed key relationships with vendors in destinations all over the USA and beyond.  That means you get more bang for your buck.  And that doesn’t just apply to attractions and points of interest you’ll be needing tickets for.

Junior Tours also has excellent relationships with transportation and accommodation vendors which allow us to get you the best possible deal.

Education tour pros since 1967.

Founded by teacher Marty Abrams, Junior Tours has been bringing students in all 50 states the best in educational tours since 1967.  This year, we’re celebrating 50 years in the business of taking students on tours that honor educator vision, while providing them with the kind of excitement young people crave.

Choosing the best tour for the dollar is easier when you call on the pros at Junior Tours to support your budgetary goals.  We’ll even set you up with fundraising resources to make your tour more affordable.  Contact us to find out more.

The magnificent mile in Chicago

The Windy City – Educational Travel Destinations In Chicago

By Travel

Chicago is a city that has it all.  From magnificent architecture to world class museums, the Windy City offers visitors a wealth of fascination.

The streets of this famed city, home to young Senators who become President, monolithic financial institutions, theater, fashion and exceptional art galleries, offer something here for everyone.

On its broad shoulders rest the legacy of Frank Lloyd Wright and internationally acclaimed poet Carl Sandburg, who described Chicago as a resilient, hard-working hub of commerce – where Americans came to realize their dreams.

In the early part of the 20th Century, Chicago was the land of opportunity.  This reality brought Americans from all over the country to take part in the city’s bounty, doubling its population every 20 years.

Frank Lloyd Wright house and studio.

It was in Chicago’s windy embrace that Frank Lloyd Wright was to live out the first 20 years of his renowned career as one of America’s most influential architects.

His former home and studio have been fully restored as a museum, where students can experience the vast reach of his work.  Chicago is also home to many of his buildings, including the Unity Temple, Frederick C. Robie House and The Rookery.

Students of design will thrill to having a first-hand experience of this famed architect’s seminal work.

The Magnificent Mile.

North Michigan Avenue offers students much more than high end shopping.  Located between the famous Loop (Chicago’s historical center) and the Gold Coast area, the “Mag Mile” also features some of the USA’s most incredible architectural achievements, including some of its tallest buildings.

The John Hancock Center can be found here, towering over the area, as well as landmarks like the Wrigley Building, the Chicago Water Tower and the Allerton Hotel.

There is nothing more quintessentially American than the skyscraper and Chicago’s internationally-recognized skyline features some of the most impressive in existence.

The Art Institute of Chicago.

Do over 40 centuries of art boggle your mind?  Prepare to be dazzled by the broad sweep of history at the AIC.  With over 300,000 pieces on display, students will experience the AIC’s impressive collections.

Its permanent collection features some of the most recognizable works of art in history, including American Gothic, by Grant Wood, a painting which has inspired satirists and artistic commentators since being created in 1930.

Works by Seurat, Van Gogh and Picasso invite educators to engage with their students, discussing the role of art in their lives and futures.

Chicago Board of Trade.

Referred to by Sandburg as the “hog butcher of the world” in his poem, “Chicago”, the role of the city as a hub of agricultural commodities trading is embodied in this institution.

Here, agricultural commodities continue to be traded on “open outcry”, the practice here since it was known as the Chicago Butter and Egg Board.  The Board of Trade offers students a unique glimpse into Chicago’s past and the practice of trading agricultural futures as an enduring commercial reality.

Let Junior Tours show your students the amazing diversity of Chicago.  Contact us.

famous statue in Boston

Freedom Trails and Tea Parties – Educational Travel Destinations In Boston

By Travel

Established almost 4 centuries ago, Boston is a national treasure, where your students can encounter American history at its most dramatic.

Poets, philosophers and heroes are Boston’s proud legacy, from the magisterial musings of Henry David Thoreau at Walden Pond, to America’s first Town Hall meeting at Faneuil Hall, Boston is a living historical site.

Revolution in the air.

It’s just outside the city of Boston that the first battle of the American Revolutionary War took place, at Lexington and Concord.  The Old Burying Ground and Minuteman statue can be seen here, as students are walked through pivotal moments in the formation of our nation.

Bunker Hill is another living monument to the American Revolution, hosting one of the most important battles of the struggle for America’s freedom from British imperial rule, at Breed’s Hill in 1775.

Boston’s famous Tea Party took careful planning and that planning took place at the Old South Meeting House in 1773.  5,000 colonialists met here to set the wheels in motion for this act of rebellion, but people have been meeting here for three centuries, right until the present.

Students will be treated to a rich, exciting encounter with the fullness of the American story at these and other sites in and around Boston.

Pilgrims, witch trials and massacres.

The pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Rock were conveyed in the famed vessel, the Mayflower.  Today, a replica of this historic 17th ship offers students a window into the worlds of their ancestors, who came to flee tyranny.

The terror and communal fear of the Salem Witch Trials can be discovered by students desiring to understand all aspects of American history.  The museum features dramatically presented displays which remind us how rapidly neighbours can become enemies.

The site of the Boston Massacre is a stark memorial to the tensions between the British and the colonialists during the revolutionary period.  Here, British red coats encountered the wrath of the colonialists and felt the brunt of their burning desire for freedom.

Midnight rides and freedom trails.

Paul Revere’s midnight ride started here in Boston on April 18, 1775.  This unassuming silversmith was to become a legend of the American Revolution, teaching students that even the most modest person can make an enormous impact.

The Freedom Trail is a 2.5 mile historical walk, taking visitors to 16 historically-significant sites.  Experiencing the birth of the USA through the monuments which commemorate its institution is a walk through some of the nation’s most turbulent and formative moments.

Boston – where American history lives.

The scope of historical experiences available to student travel groups visiting Boston is broad and richly populated by the voices of freedom fighters and philosophers, witches and poets.  The deeds of those who laid the foundations of the USA live on here as our legacy, reminding us of the cost of freedom.

At Junior Tours, we’ve been professional student educational tour operators since 1967.  We bring your group personalized itineraries which honor educator vision and make learning an adventure.

Contact us for more.